Which is better Ho-Oh or Lugia?
Lugia is more of a defensive juggernaut. Ho-Oh has more of an attacking prowess when comparing the two. In terms of popularity, both are pretty even, with high profile appearances across games, the anime series, and the movies. In terms of battling, however, Lugia may be the better option.
Are Ho-Oh & Lugia legendary Pokémon?
Ho-Oh & Lugia are some of the most recognized and popular legendary Pokémon out there. But despite all the notoriety, there’s a lot to these Pokémon that most fans don’t know much about. Every Pokémon has a story behind it, but these two have quite the history.
What is Lugia’s origin story?
The inspiration for Lugia could have come from a Japanese Shinto God. Called Ryujin, it is described as a dragon that lived deep within the ocean depths and served as the God of the Sea. That all sounds pretty familiar. Long-time Pokémon fans will know that Ho-Oh’s signature move, Sacred Fire is as iconic as the Pokémon that uses it.
Is Ho-Oh safe from death?
Wiz: Ehhh, Kinda. Ho-Oh can’t be bred as it is a legendary Pokemon, and it is unknown whether Ho-Oh itself that a limited lifespan, despite being able to bring others back to life, but any trainer owned Ho-Oh should technically be safe from death as long as his Pokemon is alive.
Attack: Ho-oh is definitely better when Attack Stats are concerned, with a Base Stat of 130. Defence: It is Lugia’s time to shine, with a Base Stat of 130. Special Attack: Ho-oh is supreme once more, with a Base Stat of 110,
What is Ho-O-H’s weakness?
Ho-oH is Fire/Flying, just like Charizard. It thus has a 4x weakness to rock. Ice is pretty bad too I think. Fortunately, it starts off with a psychic move. It can even learn Mega Drain, a grass move. I noticed that while teaching it to another pokemon.
What does Ho-Oh’s name mean?
Unlike Lugia’s name, Ho-Oh’s name origins seem to be way more straight forward and clear-cut. If you look at its Japanese name, ホウオウ (Houou) alongside its English translation, the name seems to be derived from 鳳凰. These characters are Japanese for fènghuáng, which is a sort of Phoenix in Chinese mythology.