Which lane is best for Annie?

Which lane is best for Annie?

Annie is a mage. Mages primarily are played in the mid lane, as they tend to need solo experience and gold to get ahead. Annie particularly does well mid as she has a point and click stun, so she can easily roam top or bot and use her burst to help kill the side laners.

Is Annie a mid?

Annie is a short range mage (AP Carry) and is a force to be reckoned with in mid-lane. Her spell kit focuses on Area of Effect burst and stuns.

How good is Annie mid?

Annie Build 11.24 ranks as an B-Tier pick for the Mid Lane role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 53.08% (Good), Pick Rate of 1.97% (High), and a Ban Rate of 0.37% (Low).

Is Seraphine mid lane?

1 Seraphine Is A Mid Laner: Hits Full-Build With Ease Champions with cheaper items are able to get to full-build faster, and enchanters have items that provide insane value. Seraphine, as a mid laner, isn’t just able to hit her mid-game power spike early.

What should I buy for Annie mid?


  • Starting item set #1. Doran’s Ring Health Potion 2.
  • Starting item set #2. Boots Health Potion 4.
  • Boots.
  • First Buy Choices In order From Best.
  • Late game items.
  • Standard Build: Lot’s of Damage.
  • Against Magic oriented team.
  • Morellonomicon Sorcerer’s Shoes Rabadon’s Deathcap Void Staff Rylai’s Crystal Scepter Abyssal Mask.

Can Annie be ADC?

Keep in mind, I’ve only been playing for a week and all unranked games. But I found that playing Annie in ADC, if I start off good, I’ll end with at least 6/5/7. Even if I’m not good, it will be something like 3/6/5. Annie in ADC seems to always have a great early game.

Is Annie strong lol?

Annie has gone from complete irrelevance to becoming one of the strongest mid laners in solo queue as a result of her Patch 10.10 buffs. The Dark Child currently boasts an incredible 52.32% win rate on the current patch, the fourth highest of any mid laner, dwarfing her 50.47% win rate from just one week ago.

What Lane is Sona?

Soraka might be getting hard nerfed in League of Legends’ Patch 10.4, but another ranged support champion is slowly rising up the ranks in the top lane. This time, Sona has amassed an impressive 57.35 percent win rate in the role and multiple pro players have been playing her over the past week.

What Lane is Senna?

What Lane Is Senna? Due to the lane phase of this pick, it is frequently played in the Support position.

Is Annie good lol?

Annie, the Dark Child, is an excellent AP mage that regularly makes a return into the meta. As a midlaner present in nearly every rank, learning Annie’s mechanics proves valuable both for player the champion and against her.

How do you control Tibbers?

For starters knowing that you can control Tibbers by pressing R when he’s already casted allows the summoner to move him, you can use this to hold waves, Tank dragon, or provide vision in a bush while you recall if you’re afraid of a surprise attack, with that being said, Tibbers is the real MVP.

Is Annie a top or mid laner?

To make up for not being able to roam as much as mid lane Annie, most people take teleport instead of ghost which is popular as a mid lane summoner spell. So, in short, she can be played top, mid, or support, but in the current meta is strongest as a mid laner.

What is Annie’s strongest Lane?

Annie’s strongest lane depends on your personal playstyle but keep in mind that statistically her strongest lane is mid-lane. I’m only covering Mid and Support here since the other lanes are purely situational.

Is Annie a good support?

However, Annie can also be played support, as her stun gives her good utility to help in 2v2 fights. If she uses her W or R, she can potentially stun both enemy laners. Some people also play her top, where she can do decently into some matchups as she has a fairly strong laning phase.

Why is Annie so weak in competitive?

Annie is fairly weak pre-6, but can start nuking opponents from 75% down to 0 as soon as she gets her Summon: Tibbers. Annie is also very immobile and it is very difficult to reach a well positioned ADC without Flash, and she also lacks escape potential if she doesn’t have her stun or can’t oneshot whoever engages on her.

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