Who is Cole MacGrath?

Who is Cole MacGrath?

Cole MacGrath is the main character of the video game series ‘InFAMOUS’. He is an electric-manipulator conduit and an outsider.

Is Cole MacGrath a hero in Infamous 2?

Cole MacGrath is the main protagonist of inFamous, inFamous 2, and inFamous: Festival of Blood. Because of the Karma system that is entirely based on what choices you make in the games (with the exception of Festival of Blood), Cole can be recognized as a Hero or Villain.

How did Cole MacGrath get to Empire City?

Cole MacGrath lived a majority of his life in Empire City, and would become friends Zeke Dunbar and the boyfriend to Trish Dailey. He would became accustomed to the city by going through urban exploration, which allowed him to navigate the sewers with ease.

Is Cole a good or bad person?

On the path of good, Cole is a selfless hero who uses his powers to battle evil and injustice throughout the city. Cole’s story begins in New Marais as Cole is attempting to protect its citizens. He claims that even with his powers, he can’t protect the city alone and seeks help from others.

Is Cole a hero or a villain in infamous?

Cole MacGrath is the protagonist, anti-hero/anti-villain of inFAMOUS, inFAMOUS 2, and inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood. However, because of the Karma system that is entirely based on what choices you make in the games (with the exception of Festival of Blood), Cole can be recognized as a Hero or Villain.

How old is Evil Cole?

Nowhere as edgy as Evil Cole. -He is 27 years old in inFAMOUS 2. -His backpack has the Sky Cooper logo. -On Death Battle Deviantart, has defeated foes such as Electro, Alex Mercer, James Heller, and even Starkiller.

Who is Cole’s best friend in Monster Hunter?

Cole is nursed to health by his best friend, Zeke, and his ex-girlfriend, Trish. He discovers his electric powers while recovering. Throughout the game, Cole decides that his powers only are beneficial to him, not to others, and it makes a drastic change in his personality, both of the way he behaves towards others, and also, his appearance.

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