Who is in charge of the Gym Leader in Pokemon?
Jessie is the one who actually does the battling. Since Giovanni does not return from the business trip as he is busy running Team Rocket, the Elite Four member Agatha is put in charge of the Gym. The Gym Leaders from the Orange Islands have only appeared in the Pokémon Anime series and not in game series.
How many gyms are there in Pokemon Emerald?
Pokémon Database. As usual, in Emerald you battle your way through 8 gyms, each specializing in a particular type. Following that you take on the Elite Four and the Champion. Although the gyms are the same as Ruby/Sapphire, most of the leaders’ teams in Emerald are different.
How many water type Gym Leaders are there in Pokemon Go?
Due to the Hoenn and Unova regions having two Water-type Gym Leaders each (Wallace and Juan; Cress and Marlon), there are a total of six Gym Leaders of this type, more than any other type. However, the type with Gym Leaders in the most regions is Electric , with a Gym Leader of that type in every region except for Johto and Galar.
What’s the difference between Pokemon Diamond and platinum’s gyms?
Platinum’s gyms feature several changes from those in Diamond/Pearl. Gyms 3-5 switch their orders and most change their Pokémon to take advantage of the updated local dex. Now the gym leaders only use Pokémon of their specialist type – for example in D/P, Volkner used a Water type and a Normal type in addition to his two Electric Pokémon.
Are there any regions with Gym Leaders for starter types?
The only regions with Gym Leaders for all three of the starter types are Kanto and Unova . However, in the Generation V games, the player character is only able to have a gym battle with the Gym Leader for one of those types (starter’s weakness in Black and White; Water in Black 2 and White 2 ).