Who is Karl Marx in Kirby Super Star?
Marx is a character in the Kirby series, debuting as the main antagonist and final boss of Milky Way Wishes in Kirby Super Star and its remake, Kirby Super Star Ultra. He is also the final boss of the two games in general. He tricked Kirby into summoning Galactic Nova so he could steal the wish and take over Planet Popstar .
Where can I find Marx in the Kirby game?
One of Stone Kirby’s transformations is a statue of him next to Magolor . Marx appears as one of the rare keychains using his Kirby Super Star sprite, along with his soul form from Kirby Super Star Ultra . Marx appears in the “Kirby Master!” cutscene, sitting next to Magolor and Galacta Knight .
How does Kirby defeat Marx soul?
Now known as Marx Soul, Marx soars off to Pop Star to defeat Kirby. After a long battle, Kirby defeats Marx Soul, causing him to scream in anguish as he splits in half and explodes, seemingly destroyed for good.
What does Marx say to Kirby in Milky Way Wishes?
At the beginning of Milky Way Wishes, Marx confronts Kirby, fully implying that he wishes to help the pink puffball protagonist, stating his desire that the moon and sun will someday be in harmony of one another, seeing that the two have been recently fighting.
What does Marx do in Kirby Mass Attack?
In Kirby Mass Attack, Marx appears in the sub-game Kirby Brawlball as the fourth and final boss. He is much bigger than in his previous appearances. His Quad Cutter and Arrow Flurry attacks serve as objects that can push Kirby down. His Light Beam can freeze Kirby for a few seconds if he’s caught in it.
Why does Marx change colors in Kirby Super Star Ultra?
In Kirby Super Star Ultra, after Marx has taken sufficient damage, the screen will occasionally start changing colors between blue, green, and red, possibly an effect of him straining his powers to the maximum in an effort to finish Kirby off for good.