Why do kobolds hate half-elves?

Why do kobolds hate half-elves?

Kobolds fear the brute power of half-orcs and resent humans for the dominant status that race enjoys. They believe half-elves blend the best qualities of both parent races, which strikes kobolds as fundamentally unfair. Kobolds believe halflings, small in stature, make wonderful slaves and targets for kobold rage and practical jokes.

Are kobolds good or bad?

Kobolds delight in taking slaves, relishing the chance to torment and humiliate them. They are also cowardly and practical, and often end up bowing to more powerful beings. If these creatures are of another humanoid race, kobolds often scheme to free themselves from subjugation as soon as possible.

What happens to a kobold when it is wounded?

Any kobold who’s the only one left fighting a single foe retreats, possibly regrouping with other kobolds fighting a different foe. However, a seriously wounded kobold (1 or 2 hp remaining) turns and runs. It’s not smart enough to Disengage to avoid an opportunity attack; it Dashes instead.

Do wingless kobolds get along with the urds?

Although the urds’ wings are seen as gifts from Tiamat, the Dragon Queen, wingless kobolds are envious of those gifts and don’t get along with the urds. Kobolds thrive in cramped quarters far from the light of the sun.

Why do kobolds wear red hats?

Kobold eyes are known to be used as an ingredient, as they can act as a a poison to make the drinker perceptible to visions. Some of kobolds living near human villages are thought to wear red hats. Knockers are especially fond on hooch and other alcoholic beverages. Mountain kobolds are organised in tribes.

What are titiichia kobolds?

Tiichia are kobolds that have been blessed by a dragon, either from one of their parents being a full-on dragon, or from some magical blessing granted upon them. They possess thicker scales than regular kobolds, and are deeper in their scale color. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1. Draconic Blessing.

Do Kobolds have wings?

A few kobolds are born with leathery wings and can fly. Known as urds, they like to lurk on high ledges and drop rocks on passersby. Although the urds’ wings are seen as gifts from Tiamat, the Dragon Queen, wingless kobolds are envious of those gifts and don’t get along with the urds.

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