Why is dutchdutch so bad in RDR2?
Dutch is incapable of allowing himself any sort of disadvantage even if it means adhering to his core philosophies. He’d rather protect himself than stay true to any sort of ideals. Narratively, the wound of the Civil War is still relatively fresh during Red Dead Redemption II.
Is there anything redeeming about Dutch van der Linde in RDR2?
There is nothing redeeming about Dutch van der Linde. At least in that first game. Red Dead Redemption II paints a far prettier picture of Dutch, albeit not without his own complexities. This is a Dutch supposedly before insanity. He is on the cusp of losing his mind, but he hasn’t quite lost it yet. As a result, he comes off all the more dynamic.
What happened to Dutch in Red Dead Redemption 2?
Though Dutch appeared to have nothing but the coat on his back at the end of Red Dead Redemption 2, he did quite well for himself in the first game, which is set soon after the events of RDR2. As John Marston is being pressured by the Pinkertons to hunt down his old gang, he soon learns about what Dutch has been up to in the meantime.
Does RDR2 have open world maps?
Rockstar Games is known for its large open-world maps that we’ve seen in franchises like Grand Theft Auto, and RDR2 featured a number of towns that players could visit throughout the story, with some towns leaving more of a mark than others.
Why did Dutch van der Linde kill in RDR 2?
The ending to Red Dead Redemption 2 has been hotly debated by fans. This is especially true when discussing Dutch Van Der Linde’s killing of one of the main characters. While some fans believe it all goes back to Dutch’s mental health issues and erratic behavior, others believe Dutch’s actions had more important motives.
Why did Dutch shoot Micah at the end of RDR2?
Shooting Micah at the end of Red Dead Redemption 2 could simply just be another random act that all leads back to Dutch Van Der Linde’s unstable behavior. However, other fans have a different explanation. According to one Red Dead Redemption 2 theory, Dutch has tracked Micah down with the intent to get revenge.
Does Dutch kill Micah Bell in Red Dead Redemption 2?
At the end of Red Dead Redemption 2, Dutch Van Der Linde kills Micah Bell. It’s not surprising, since Micah betrayed the Van Der Linde gang and got many people killed over the course of Red Dead Redemption 2’s story. The surprising part is that it occurs eight years later, and after Dutch has been loyal to Micah for so long.