Wie richtte de DDR op?
De Duitse Democratische Republiek (Duits: Deutsche Demokratische Republik, DDR), ook wel “Oost-Duitsland” genoemd, was een communistisch land in Europa. Het land ontstond in 1949 in het door de Sovjet-Unie bezette deel van het verslagen Duitsland.
Welke rol speelde school binnen het DDR regime?
– Welke rol speelde school binnen het DDR- regime? o School moest leerlingen opvoeden tot socialistische burgers o Leerlingen werden geïndoctrineerd met de socialistische leer en het beeld van de ‘Klassenfeind’ in het Westen.
What does DDR3 stand for?
1. DDR3 stands for Double Data Rate version 3. Whereas DDR4 stands for Double Data Rate version 4. 2. The cost of DDR3 is less than DDR4. While it’s cost is higher or more than DDR3. 3. In DDR3, auto-refresh and self-refresh are performed to refresh its content. While in DDR4, only self-refresh is performed to refresh its content.
What is the difference between DDR and SDR?
To help understand the differences, we are copying an image from our DDR Timeline page: This chip type is a direct descendant of SDR SDRAM. The big difference with the first generation of DDR is that it allows double write. The original legacy SDRAM only allowed one write. But the underlying architecture is the same.
What is the difference between DDR2 533 and DDR2 800?
DDR2 533 and DDR2 800 memory types are on the market. DDR3 memory reduces 40% power consumption compared to current DDR2 modules, allowing for lower operating currents and voltages (1.5 V, compared to DDR2’s 1.8 V or DDR’s 2.5 V). The transfer rate of DDR3 is 800~1600 MT/s.
What is the transfer rate of DDR SDRAM?
The transfer rate of DDR SDRAM is the double of SDR SDRAM without changing the internal clock. DDR SDRAM, as the first generation of DDR memory, the prefetch buffer is 2bit, which is the double of SDR SDRAM. The transfer rate of DDR is between 266~400 MT/s.