What is TiVo+ App?
TiVo+ A gazillion hours of the best free TV. Exclusive to TiVo customers, TiVo+ is your one-stop streaming service for an amazing collection of free entertainment. Leave app-flipping in the past and find thousands of the best free shows, movies and videos, right from your TiVo home screen.
Does TiVo make TV better?
A better experience. At TiVo, we’re passionate about making your TV experience the absolute best it can be. In other words, TiVo makes TV better. Solving the TV puzzle. Whether you’re passionate about cable TV, a cord cutter or a cord never, TiVo brings together everything you want to watch.
When did TiVo start offering tivocast?
On 7 June 2006, TiVo began offering TiVoCast, a broadband download service that initially offered content from places such as Rocketboom or, The New York Times; now there are over 70 TivoCast channels available for TiVo subscribers.
Can I use TiVo Desktop Plus with TiVo Bolt series DVRs?
TiVo Desktop Plus may work on TiVo BOLT Series UESs but is not supported; the Plex App, TiVo App for iOS, and TiVo App for Android can be used to achieve the same results. TiVo Desktop is not supported on TiVo EDGE Series and will not work on Series 1 DVRs.
How do I connect my TiVo box to an Ethernet cable?
This option lets you: Connect an Ethernet cable from the TiVo box to an Ethernet port on your router or wall. Using the TiVo menus, select the “Ethernet” networking option: If you are setting up your TiVo box for the first time, during Guided Setup choose “Ethernet” as your networking connection type (if prompted).
Why does my TiVo box need a high-speed internet connection?
Your TiVo box needs a high-speed Internet connection to receive program listings, TiVo® service updates, and on-demand content. The type of network connection you choose will depend on what you want to do with your TiVo box(es), and whether it’s possible to connect an Ethernet cable to your TiVo box(es).
How do I connect my TiVo box to MOCA?
Once you’ve created a MoCA network in your home, you can connect your devices to it through the coax cable. Based on your TiVo box and home network setup, choose the best to create your MoCA network: Connect a coax cable coming from the wall to the coax port on the TiVo box.