Waar voor staat JDM?

Waar voor staat JDM?

JDM klinkt heel speciaal, maar staat voor Japanese Domestic Market, wat vrij vertaald ‘Japanse thuismarkt’ betekent. Echte liefhebbers van JDM-auto’s dromen van modellen als de Honda NSX en Mazda RX-7 FD, maar ook voor minder dan 10 mille kun je al met een lachend gezicht toetreden tot de JDM-scene.

Wat kost een Nissan 350z?

Nissan 350Z

nieuwprijs fiscaal € 50.045
max. vermogen 206 kW (280 pk)
6200 tpm
max. koppel 363 Nm

Is Suzuki een Japanse auto?

Japanse automerk nummer 3: Suzuki Het in 1909 opgerichte Japanse bedrijf begon van origine met het produceren van weefgetouwen en wapens. In 1937 bouwde zij de eerste auto.

What is the difference between JDM and JDM cars?

An American-market Japanese car spruced up with JDM car parts isn’t JDM. A JDM imported car built-up with other parts isn’t JDM either. Only JDM cars with JDM parts fall into the true JDM category, so if you are a true JDM fan, you would stick to the real stuff.

Is American muscle better than JDM (Japanese cars)?

The age-old question of which is better, American Muscle or JDM (Japanese cars), superchargers or turbochargers, power or handling. It seems like the debate has been going on for centuries upon centuries. When will we find an answer? Well actually, in my opinion, there is no answer.

Is there a waiting period for JDM cars in the US?

There is a 25-year waiting period for JDM cars. You can import a JDM car in the US only 25 years after it was released in the Japanese Domestic Market. So until very recently, even the Skyline GT-R was illegal in America.

What is the JDM lifestyle?

The idea behind this JDM lifestyle was simple: get an authentic, Japanese-made sports car and import it into the United States. It sounds pretty straightforward, but there’s still a lot to the story, like what particular things set it off, why Japanese cars were great for this sort of lifestyle, and where the culture stands today.

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