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What does Fantina look like in Pokemon Go?
6.3.3 Download Tournament (The Battle of Legendary Pokémon!) Fantina is a tall woman, who has purple eyes and hair, which is tied into four balloon-shaped pigtails. She wears a long purple dress, which is accented by white dots, and has a yellow X mark on her hip, which resembles a Drifblim’s mouth.
What is the best way to beat Fantina?
Really, I think Normal Pokemon with other-type attacks is the way to go against Fantina. You can power-up Ponyta and teach it Fire-type moves, or Watert-type moves on Prinplup. Yes, level-up Zubat, or better evovle it to Golbat. Raise its Defense, Attack, and more on Speed as well.
What do the levels in Fantina’s Gym mean?
In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, Fantina’s Gym has several levels the player character must ascend. With each level there is a question to be answered, with three answers are located on three doors, they are usually associated with simple mathematics.
Can I level up Ponyta to Golbat?
You can power-up Ponyta and teach it Fire-type moves, or Watert-type moves on Prinplup. Yes, level-up Zubat, or better evovle it to Golbat. Raise its Defense, Attack, and more on Speed as well. How did u get rotom?
How do I find Fantina and her friend?
It’s simple. 1st go to Contest hall where Fantina will be their with ur mom. Next go to pastoria city. At the right of Great Marsh u will c a grunt. Talk 2 him and he will run. Follow him but be careful bcoz when u reach route 213 ur friend will b waiting 4 a battle.
Is Fantina’s Giratina a female?
Fantina is a fan of Dahlia. All of her Pokémon are female. Strangely, in the Download Tournament in Black 2 and White 2, Fantina’s Giratina is in its Origin Forme without holding the Griseous Orb. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Is Fantina from Sinnoh in English?
Created with Sketch. Fantina speaks a mix of French and broken English (only broken Japanese in Japanese version, broken French with English in French version) and is from another country. Upon arriving in Sinnoh, she decided to become a Contest performer, so she dresses up in fancy outfits for Pokémon Contests.
What type of Pokemon do Gym Leaders use?
However this time, the type they use is not necessarily their Pokémon type, but the type of attacks that their Pokémon tend to use. Below are the 8 gyms and their rostas: The first gym leader, Roark, of Oreburgh City is a Rock Type Trainer. His Pokémon are all Rock Type and use Rock Type attacks.
Where can I find Fantina in platinum?
In Platinum, she is battled much earlier in the game and will make her Gym available to players as soon as they talk to her at the Contest Hall. She can be battled again at the Battleground and occasionally visits the Villa. Fantina claims to be a fan of Dahlia ’s dancing style and a member of the Ribbon Syndicate of the Resort Area.