Can You Woohoo with any SIM in Sims 4?
They have numerous woohoo locations to explore and can woohoo with any sim they want. However, there are certain aspect of the woohoo situation in The Sims 4 that just isn’t perfect, so there are certain mods that can change the way certain aspects of woohoo work.
Is there a Woohoo mod that is not related to Woohoo?
Although not directly related to woohoo, I knew a lot of people searching for woohoo mods would be interested in this mod as well so we added it. The autonomous romantic interactions mod will have your sims getting proposed to, broken up with, and even has the ability for your sims to be in polygamous relationships.
Is it possible to get pregnant in Sims 4 Woohoo?
In the real world, you are never making a conscious decision between just woohoo and try for baby, there is always a chance of you getting pregnant. The risky woohoo mod makes this a thing in the sims too. In addition to allowing you to have risky woohoo, you can also have fertility levels, pregnancy difficulties and more. 18.
Can you have a baby with a ghost Sims 4?
If you’ve played with ghosts in The Sims 4 you’ve probably noticed that you aren’t able to have a baby which is realistic but kind of annoying. The ghosts can have babies mod makes it so that you can have babies with any ghost in your game, and ghosts are able to get pregnant.
Can You Woohoo in a hot tub in Sims 4?
Sims can WooHoo in a hot tub anywhere and anytime, although fences for privacy will help prevent any awkward moments. 17 Sauna (Spa Day) Simmers with the Spa Day game pack can enjoy some WooHoo fun for two in the sauna, as long as it isn’t occupied by any other sims. The sauna needs to be surrounded by walls and have a door to enter and exit.
Where can I find a waterfall in Sims 4?
The island of Mua Pel ‘Am on Sulani is a beautiful and natural island with off the grid lots and a stunning waterfall. You’ll find the waterfall on Mua Pel’Am and here Sims can collect frogs, wash, or engage in some waterfall WooHoo.