How do I activate an inactive World of Warcraft account?
You can activate an inactive World of Warcraft account from the Character Selection screen in one of the following situations: You have enough gold on one character or realm to cover the cost of the token You have a WoW token purchased with gold in one of your character’s inventory on the World of Warcraft account you’re trying to activate
Can I claim a WoW Token if my account is inactive?
It is possible to claim a WoW token, or activate your account using gold, when your account is inactive from the character selection screen in these three situations: You have enough gold on one character or realm to cover the cost of the token
How do I log into account management in World of Warcraft?
For starters, you’re going to have to log into account management not through the World of Warcraft main site, but through Blizzard’s doorway. You can still head over to the main WoW page and hit the account management link if you like, but you’ll just be transferred straight to the login page.
Why can’t I play Wow without a subscription?
The second possibility is that you are logging into the wrong account. Since you don’t need a subscription, or any purchase really, to play level 20 and under, you could simply be in the wrong WoW account. Each account can have up to 8 WoW licenses attached.
How do I play WoW with multiple accounts on Windows 10?
If you have multiple WoW accounts in your Blizzard account, you’ll have a menu over the Play button in the Blizzard desktop application where you can select which account you are launching (WoW1, WoW2, etc.). Just press Play, and that would launch the WoW client for the selected account.
Can I use the same WoW Token on multiple accounts?
You have a WoW token purchased with gold in one of your character’s inventory on a different World of Warcraft account on the same Account WoW tokens can’t be claimed for use on different Accounts.