How long does it take to platinum Days Gone?
Approximate amount of time to Platinum: 60hrs+ (Estimated Time to Platinum) Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 (2 for 100%, check the DLC roadmaps) Number of missable trophies: None. Glitched trophies: None.
What do you get for Days Gone platinum?
Typically, the Platinum Trophy for these games offers a reward of a PS4 theme or a PS4 avatar, but Days Gone goes the extra mile and offers both. The Days Gone theme features a mural of characters from the game including protagonist Deacon St. John, his missing wife, Sarah, biker buddy Boozer, and Colonel Garret.
How long is Days Gone video game?
When focusing on the main objectives, Days Gone is about 37 Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 63½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.
Is it hard to get platinum trophy in Days Gone?
Welcome to the Days Gone Trophy Guide! This is a very easy and enjoyable platinum to get. The trophies are really simple and completion-oriented. The game is structured in 6 regions and 5 allied encampments.
How difficult is Platinum?
Platinum is not a hard metal. It is 4 – 4.5 on the MOHs scale of hardness. This means it can be scratched by anything harder than it is. Diamond is ten on the MOHs scale and can easily scratch platinum.
How hard is Days Gone to Platinum?
Does Days Gone look better on PS5?
On the face of it, the upgrade is limited in terms of features, but similar to Sucker Punch’s PS5 work for Ghost of Tsushima, it is transformative in terms of fluidity and response – and it’s a great way to revisit an impressive PS4 game. …
How many zombies are in Days Gone?
Hordes are a big hazard in Days Gone, which are made up of anywhere between 50 and 500 swarmers, and 40 of them roam about in-game waiting to pounce on poor old Deacon.
How long does it take to platinum a trophy?
Estimated trophy difficulty : 2.5/10 Approximate amount of time to platinum: 60-80 hours (60h on easy difficulty skipping all cutscenes, 80h on normal difficulty with cutscenes)
What is Days Gone?
Days gone takes you into a post apocalyptic world run over by ‘freaks’. You take the mantle of a drifter called Deacon as he fights to survive. Ride your way across a large in game map helping settlements, doing jobs and errands, saving civilians and taking on hordes of enemies.
How to get the days gone Trophy in Days Gone?
Days Gone Trophy Guide Step 1: Buy the Nitrous 3 upgrade from the 4th camp “Diamond Lake” in the Crater Lake Region. This requires you to reach… Step 2: Once you got the Nitrous 3 upgrade you can do the trophy. You must drift in a big circle (driving a donut with…
How long does it take to beat days gone?
Days Gone and its protagonist; Deacon St. John, are relatively new — but quickly welcomed — additions to the PlayStation exclusive family and it’s no wonder as this hefty game is filled with content, taking around 60 hours of your time to get through!