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How many stats are there in AdventureQuest?
There are six stats in AdventureQuest. Strength: This stat mainly helps in increasing the damage of Melee and Ranged damage. This stat also increases the chance to hit of Melee weapons. This is the stat that is mainly trained by Warrior builds.
What are weapon specials in Adventure Quest?
One of the features of weapons in Adventure Quest is that they possess weapon specials. You may call Weapon Specials as signature moves of weapons in the sense that they perform an attack that is mostly stronger when you just normally attack with the weapon.
What are armors in Adventure Quest?
Armors is one of the main things you need to get in Adventure Quest…Sticking to only one armor won’t do you any good because as level-up the monsters you face also starts to get harder. So updating your armor setup in the appropriate levels is required. Now there are different types of armors these are:
How powerful are healing spells in Adventure Quest?
Although in Adventure Quest, Healing Spells don’t get powerful as you train your Intelligence higher but they heal more the higher you train your Endurance stat since that is where they get their stat bonus.
How do I complete the dwakel quests?
All you have to do is kill 8 Dwakels, I suggest the Dwakel Blaster as this is quicker to kill than the Dwakel Warrior, and has a chance of dropping the Bubble Helm, worth an extra 1250 gold in your pocket.. When you kill 8 you will have the items to complete all 3 quests.
What are the different types of weapons in Adventure Quest?
In Adventure Quest there are only 3 types of weapons. These are: Melee: Melee type weapons are mostly used by Warrior builds since Melee weapons gets stronger as you train your Strength stat. It also gets more accurate when you train Strength and Dexterity. So don’t waste your time training Strength if you are using Magic weapons.