The original incarnation of Big Boss from the 1987 Metal Gear game is retroactively established as a separate character known as Venom Snake in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain. He has been voiced by Akio Ōtsuka in Japanese and David Hayter in English in these games.
Is Big Boss Solid Snake?
Solid Snake is one of three clones of Big Boss(Naked Snake), and twin brother to Liquid(also known as Eli in MGSV). Solid Snake is the protagonist of Metal Gear 1 & 2, and Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, & 4. Big Boss is the protagonist Metal Gear Solid 3, Peace walker, & 5 and was the bad guy in Metal Gear.
Are Snake and Big Boss the same person?
Having his genetic code used as part of the government project Les Enfants Terribles, Big Boss was the genetic father of Solid Snake (his subordinate and later nemesis), Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake.
Who killed venom snake?
It also reveals that, in 1995, the Outer Heaven uprising occurs, but is stopped by Solid Snake, who kills Big Boss’s phantom; Punished ‘Venom’ Snake. The time line ends with ‘Big Boss dies’. There is a final conversation after the credits. In it, Miller and Ocelot discuss Big Boss’s plans.
Is Big Boss stronger than Solid Snake?
Big Boss himself was the co-creator along with his mentor The Boss. This meant that everything that makes Solid Snake such a formidable character in the first place, came from Big Boss. It would also mean that if they fought in a straight CQC battle, Big Boss would probably defeat Solid Snake.
Is Venom Snake better than Big Boss?
Venom Snake isn’t just a Big Boss clone, in many respects he’s the better Big Boss. He’s the one who builds up Diamond Dogs, he’s the one who ultimately builds up Outer Heaven, and he’s the one who faces off against Solid Snake at the end of the first game.
Why does Big Boss have a horn?
It’s just a piece of shrapnel from the explosion from the end of the prologue Ground Zeroes. But you can also call it a horn, because if you kill a lot of enemies, the shrapnel will slowly become a horn, the sign of the demon like this picture below.
Venom Snake is the doppelganger that Solid Snake killed in Outer Haven believing he had killed Big Boss. However Venom Snake is the main character in Phantom Pain (I think it’s explained at the beginning of the game). Venom snake has no genetic relation to Big Boss and is just a body double to protect BB from assassination.
How did Big Boss die in the snake fight?
Big Boss attempted to gun down Snake, but ultimately fell to Snake’s makeshift flamethrower, having underestimated his initially unarmed opponent. Big Boss yelled Snake’s name as he was engulfed in flames, unwilling to concede the battle, but eventually collapsed from severe burns and was left for dead by Snake.
Who is Big Boss in Phantom Pain?
To the best of my knowledge Big Boss is “naked snake” from MGS3 Snake Eater. Venom Snake is the doppelganger that Solid Snake killed in Outer Haven believing he had killed Big Boss. However Venom Snake is the main character in Phantom Pain (I think it’s explained at the beginning of the game).
Was big Boss the first dominant snake?
YES, Big Boss (Naked Snake) was first. YES Liquid, Solid, and Solidus were clones. YES Venom literally doesn’t relate at all. Liquid was the TRUE dominant one, and was led to believe he was the recessive one.