Waar staat Sync op Iphone?
Ga op het iOS-apparaat naar Instellingen / Algemeen / Wi-Fi iTunes-synchronisatie en tik op de computer waarmee je wilt synchroniseren. Tik op de blauwe tekst Synchroniseer nu. De synchronisatie start ook automatisch als op de oplader is aangesloten.
How do I Sync my Gmail email?
I suggest you to open the mail app. Click on Gmail account and right click on the account and select account settings. You need to click on mail change mail box sync settings and make sure that emails sync option is checked. I would suggest you to check the issue in a new user account.
Why isn’t my Gmail syncing?
Make Sure You Have An Active Internet Connection.
Why is Gmail not updating?
Method 1: Disable Antivirus. If you have installed any third party security software like antivirus or firewall, I would…
How do you sync Gmail with Microsoft Outlook?
Setting Outlook to Sync with Gmail. 1. Open Outlook and click “File.”. 2. Click the “Add Account” button. 3. Enter your name as you want it to display with your emails in the “Your Name” field, your Gmail address in the “E-mail Address” field and your password twice — once in the “Password” field and again in the “Retype Password” field.