Wat heb je aan een server?
Je kunt een server zien als een normale computer. Als het ware “dient” een server jouw online product door het te hosten en beschikbaar te maken op het internet. Zonder server kan er dan ook eigenlijk niets online staan en bezocht worden. Er zijn dan ook verschillende server toepassingen.
Waarom gebruik je een server?
Computer die diensten verleent aan andere computers. Servers kunnen verschillende diensten verlenen, bijvoorbeeld webadressen uitdelen (domeinnaamserver), webpagina’s beschikbaar stellen (webserver), e-mails verzenden (mailserver), bestanden opslaan (fileserver) of gegevens bewaren (databaseserver).
What Svchost is running?
Svchost.exe is a process on your computer that hosts, or contains, other individual services that Windows uses to perform various functions. For example, Windows Defender uses a service that is hosted by a svchost.exe process. There can be multiple instances of svchost.exe running on your computer, with each instance containing different services.
How does the svchost process work?
What is svchost.exe? svchost.exe is a shared service process that allows many Windows services to share a single process. Sharing a single process helps Windows to decrease its overall resource usage. By checking your Windows Task Manager you’ll notice that more than one Windows service can run under svchost.exe.
What is svchost Exe?
Svchost.exe process that hosts the network location awareness service crashes in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2 Symptoms. When you are using a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2, the Svchost.exe process that hosts the network location awareness service crashes intermittently. Cause. This issue occurs because a handle leak occurs in the Wldap32.dll file. Resolution. This hotfix is also available at Microsoft Update Catalog.
What is svchost Windows 10?
What is svchost.exe in windows 10 & How to Fix it. svchost.exe (Service Host, or SvcHost) is a framework procedure that has numerous Windows benefits in the Windows NT group of working frameworks.