Wat is YouTube Rtmps?
Je kunt op YouTube Live streamen met RTMPS, een beveiligde variant van het streamprotocol RTMP. Als je RTMPS gebruikt, worden je gegevens versleuteld wanneer deze in contact komen met de servers van Google. Zo kan niemand je communicatie met de service onderscheppen.
Wat is YouTube HLS?
Gebruik het HLS-opnameprotocol (HTTP Live Streaming) op YouTube Live om HDR-content te streamen of codecs te gebruiken die niet door RTMP worden ondersteund.
Hoe stream je naar YouTube?
1. Livestreaming inschakelen
- Open de YouTube-app op je telefoon of tablet.
- Klik onderaan op Maken. Live gaan.
- Het kan tot 24 uur duren om livestreaming voor het eerst aan te zetten. Als het eenmaal aanstaat, kun je direct livestreamen.
What is a video streaming protocol?
If you’re streaming live video, the source video comes in straight from a camera. Otherwise, it’s coming from a file for VOD content. A video streaming protocol is a standardized delivery method for breaking up a video into chunks, sending it to the viewer, and reassembling it. Streaming protocols can get much more complex.
What protocol does YouTube use to store media content?
For storing media contents a media sever have been installed by youtube whose contents get called when you press play button. For streaming media to flash player Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is used. The play button on flash player acts as RTSP invoker for media being called and media is streamed via UDP packets.
What ingestion protocols does YouTube Live support?
YouTube Live Streaming supports the following ingestion protocols for third-party clients: RTMP is a widely-used protocol for video streaming that YouTube Live has accepted since the service began. RTMPS is a secure extension to RTMP.
Is it possible to stream a YouTube video?
Most YouTube videos are not streamed, but progressively download over HTTP. A small number of partner videos are securely streamed, using RTMPE. RTSP and RTMP are streaming protocols that are using by a wide variety of IP and network devices.