Wat is zuiver hedonisme?
het hedonisme `Zuiver hedonisme stelt geestelijk genot boven alles, zoals kunst en vriendschap, terwijl plat hedonisme streeft naar directe vervulling van lichamelijk genot. De leer dat zinnelijk genot het richtsnoer van het menselijk handelen hoort te zijn en het hoogste goed is (Van Dale).
Wat betekent de naam hedonisme?
Het woord hedonisme (van hedoné: genot, lust) staat voor een aantal ethische doctrines die verkondigen dat de zoektocht naar plezier en geluk al het handelen moet leiden. Handelingen die het genot verhogen zijn om die reden goed, en handelingen die pijn en leed veroorzaken zijn slecht.
Why is Epicurus’ philosophy of pleasure controversial?
It was in its garden that he taught his philosophy. Epicurus and his followers, who included enslaved people and women, secluded themselves from the life of the city. Epicurus and his philosophy of pleasure have been controversial for over 2000 years. One reason is our tendency to reject pleasure as a moral good.
What did Epicurus write to Menoeceus?
Letter to Menoeceus on ethics, which details his theory on how to achieve happiness. Detail of the school of Athens. Epicurus on lower left, reading a book. Epicurus (371 – 270 BCE) was a Greek philosopher who founded an Academy of Philosophy called The Garden.
What did Epicurus die of?
Epicurus himself died at the age of 72 from renal colic (kidney stones), which is associated with one of the sharpest and most intense of all bodily pains. On the last day of his life, he penned this remarkable letter to his friend and follower Idomeneus, which is nothing if not a testament to the overriding powers of philosophy.
Where did Epicurus live in ancient Greece?
Epicurus (341-270 B.C.) was born in Samos and died in Athens. He studied at Plato’s Academy when it was run by Xenocrates. Later, when he joined his family on Colophon, Epicurus studied under Nausiphanes, who introduced him to the philosophy of Democritus. In 306/7 Epicurus bought a house in Athens.