What type of water is found in the Long Island Sound?

What type of water is found in the Long Island Sound?

Long Island Sound is an estuary, a place where saltwater from the ocean mixes with fresh water from rivers draining from the land. Estuaries are among the most productive ecosystems on Earth.

Why is the Long Island Sound dirty?

Most of the closings were related to bacteria in sewage and other sources that reach the Sound and its tributaries through deteriorating sewers, combined sewer overflows and stormwater runoff. The problem is so severe that many communities routinely ban swimming any time it rains at least half an inch within 24 hours.

What are the problems with the Long Island Sound?

The Long Island Sound estuary annually suffers from low dissolved oxygen conditions because of nutrient pollution – from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, atmospheric deposition, fertilizer and animal waste – from New York City, Long Island and Connecticut.

What formed the Long Island Sound?

The Long Island Sound is an estuary, a semi-enclosed coastal body where fresh and salt water mix. Formed more than 22,000 years ago when ice sheets, possibly 2 miles high and spanning from Nova Scotia to Washington, sculpted the land. The ice tore a deep gouge in the land and formed Lake Connecticut.

Is it safe to swim in Long Island Sound?

On average, Long Island Sound beaches met safe-swimming criteria 93.3% of the time in 2016-2018. In Connecticut, the Surf Club Beach in Madison was ranked #1, followed by beaches in New Haven, New London, and Fairfield Counties.

Are there sharks in Long Island Sound?

Fowler says Long Island Sound has one of the largest populations of sand tiger sharks in the world.

Is Long Island Sound water clean?

While Long Island Sound’s water is getting cleaner, the Sound still suffers from hypoxic “dead zones,” beach closures, and other effects of contamination that keeps the Sound from meeting water quality standards.

Why is Long Island water so bad?

The most common contaminant of Long Island groundwater is a group of chemicals known as VOCs (volatile organic compounds). These are generally considered carcinogenic and/or toxic chemicals. These chemicals are known for their role as solvents for other industrial chemicals.

Is Long Island Sound water safe?

Remember, Long Island Sound has many beaches that are tested frequently and are reliably safe to swim at. You should enjoy them!

Is the Long Island Sound healthy?

The biggest overall problem impacting the health of Long Island Sound is high levels of nitrogen and other nutrients, which contribute to dead zones, algae blooms, and marsh damage. Progress has been made in reducing nitrogen, especially from wastewater treatment plants—but further reductions are needed!

Can you swim in Long Island Sound?

The Long Island Sound separates mainland Connecticut from Long Island and hosts some of the best beaches in the State. Ocean Beach Park on Long Island Sound is a tourist get-away. Lined with sandbars, Ocean Beach is a great place to swim and relax. Hammonasset beach has more than two miles of beach ripe for swimming.

Is Long Island Sound the ocean?

Long Island Sound, semienclosed arm of the North Atlantic Ocean, lying between the New York–Connecticut (U.S.) shore to the north and Long Island to the south.

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