Where can I find Kyogre?
Kyogre’s location varies, and if Groudon is active you’ll have to either catch it first or wait for the weather to change. If the scientist says that there is “Heavy downpour” on a certain route, this is where you can find Kyogre.
What is the best strategy for catching Kyogre?
Rayquaza will be a big help, since it is Level 70 when you catch it. Grass- and Electric-type attacks will help quickly lower Kyogre’s health. You’ll need to have a Pokémon that knows Dive in order to access the cave that Kyogre is in. Stock up on Net Balls and Timer Balls.
Is kykyogre hard to catch in Pokémon Go?
Kyogre is a difficult Pokemon to capture, but it is stationary. This allows you to easily save and reload in case something goes wrong. Many players recommend saving your Master Ball for Latios, since it is a Roaming Pokemon and much harder to pin down.
How do you get rid of Kyogre fast?
Grass- and Electric-type attacks will help quickly lower Kyogre’s health. You’ll need to have a Pokémon that knows Dive in order to access the cave that Kyogre is in. Stock up on Net Balls and Timer Balls. Net Balls are the most effective Poke Balls to use against Water-type Pokemon. Try to have at least 40 of them in your bag.
Where do you find Regice in Route 105?
Hoenn Route 105. Route 105 (Japanese: 105番水道 Water Route 105) is a water route in southwestern Hoenn, connecting Route 104 and Route 106. It is home to the Island Cave, the home of Regice, one of the three Legendary titans.
How many IVs does Kyogre have at level 100?
The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs. The effectiveness of each type on Kyogre. Kyogre does not evolve.
Where is Route 105 in Pokemon HeartGold?
Route 105 (Japanese: 105番水道 Water Route 105) is a water route in southwestern Hoenn, connecting Route 104 and Route 106. It is home to the Island Cave, the home of Regice, one of the three Legendary titans . Pokemon went all out celebrating Bidoof Day!