What happened to Cayde 6 in Destiny 2?
Cayde-6 was an Exo Guardian and the Vanguard for the Hunter class. In Destiny Cayde-6 sold Hunter armor and emblems. In Destiny 2, Cayde-6 sold Scout Reports and maps to chests scattered around the system, which were left during his early travels. At the beginning of Forsaken, he was murdered in the Prison of Elders by Uldren Sov .
Is Cayde-6 dead in Forsaken?
On July 17th, 2018, IGN announced that voice actor Nolan North would be replacing Nathan Fillion as the voice of Cayde-6 in Forsaken due to Fillion being unavailable at the time to voice the role. In the announcement, Fillion expressed doubt over his character being dead despite Bungie’s previous statements over Cayde-6’s official death.
How many times has Cayde-6 been rebooted?
The reasoning behind Cayde-6’s name is that he has been rebooted six times. Each time an Exo is rebooted they lose a little more of their memories and have the numeric of their name go up one. According to the Exo creator Bray an Exo can only go through 20 reboots before they will no longer retain memories or operate properly.
Is Cayde-6 gone from Exo?
According to the Exo creator Bray an Exo can only go through 20 reboots before they will no longer retain memories or operate properly. This little bit of lore has given fans hope that Cayde-6 isn’t truly gone, that perhaps a part of his memories are still housed somewhere and the character will return as Cayde-7 having gone through another reboot.
How to find Cayde-6’s memorial in Destiny 2 Forsaken?
While he stated it was nothing serious, simply patrol slack, this was the very mission in which he was killed by Uldren Sov. The full letter is available over at IGN, but be sure to bring some tissues. That is how you find Cayde-6’s memorial in Destiny 2 Forsaken.
What is the meaning of Cayde-6?
Cayde-6, hilariously voiced by none of than Nathan Fillion, provides much needed comedic relief to Bungie’s Destiny 2. His attitude, his humorous one-liners, and his helpful advice to hunters makes him a staple to the shooter.
Why did Cayde-6 become a Hunter Vanguard?
His Hunter Vanguard status wasn’t a result of any decision or need to serve that he made, but the result of losing the Vanguard Dare. The Vanguard Dare was a bet between Cayde-6 and Andal Brask that whoever couldn’t kill Taniks, The Scarred, a mercenary for the House Of Wolves, would become the Hunter Vanguard.